Perky Pet Mason Jar Bird Waterer

Mar 16, 2020

Welcome to Effective Greenhouses! We are excited to present to you the Perky Pet Mason Jar Bird Waterer, a must-have product for every bird enthusiast. This high-quality waterer offers convenience, durability, and functionality, ensuring that our feathered friends stay hydrated and happy in your home garden.


The Perky Pet Mason Jar Bird Waterer is equipped with a range of features that make it an ideal choice for bird lovers:

  • Durable Construction: Made from durable materials, this waterer is designed to withstand outdoor elements.
  • Large Water Capacity: With its spacious Mason jar design, it can hold up to 32 fluid ounces of water, reducing the frequency of refills.
  • Easy to Fill and Clean: The wide mouth of the Mason jar allows for effortless filling, while the base can be easily disassembled for thorough cleaning.
  • Attractive Design: The vintage-inspired Mason jar design adds charm to any garden or outdoor space.
  • Multiple Perching Options: The waterer features four feeding ports with perches, allowing birds to comfortably access the water.
  • Leak-Proof Design: The waterer's well-sealed base prevents leaks, ensuring a mess-free experience.


By providing birds with a reliable water source, the Perky Pet Mason Jar Bird Waterer offers numerous benefits:

  • Promotes Bird Health: Birds need access to clean water for hydration, bathing, and preening. By using this waterer, you contribute to their overall well-being.
  • Attracts a Variety of Bird Species: Birds are naturally drawn to water sources. By having the Perky Pet Mason Jar Bird Waterer in your garden, you can attract a diverse range of bird species, enhancing your birdwatching experience.
  • Contributes to a Sustainable Environment: By providing birds with water, you support their role in maintaining ecological balance and biodiversity.
  • Easy Maintenance: The waterer's user-friendly design makes it effortless to maintain, ensuring that birds always have access to clean and fresh water.

How to Use

Using the Perky Pet Mason Jar Bird Waterer is simple and straightforward:

  1. Choose a Suitable Location: Select a spot in your garden that is easily accessible to birds but away from potential hazards.
  2. Fill the Mason Jar: Unscrew the metal lid of the Mason jar and fill it with fresh, clean water.
  3. Attach the Base: Screw the base onto the Mason jar tightly.
  4. Place the Waterer: Set the waterer in the chosen location, ensuring it remains stable and level.
  5. Monitor and Refill: Regularly check the waterer to ensure it is filled to an appropriate level. Refill as needed to maintain a constant water supply.
  6. Clean Regularly: To prevent the buildup of dirt and debris, clean the waterer on a regular basis using mild soap and warm water. Rinse thoroughly before refilling.


Investing in the Perky Pet Mason Jar Bird Waterer from Effective Greenhouses is a beneficial addition to any home garden. With its durable construction, large water capacity, and attractive design, this waterer provides convenience and functionality while enhancing the well-being of birds. By offering a reliable water source, you attract a variety of bird species while contributing to a sustainable environment. Follow our simple usage guide to ensure its proper installation and maintenance.

Shop the Perky Pet Mason Jar Bird Waterer today and transform your garden into a bird lover's paradise!

Caesar Barbosa
Love this cute bird waterer! 🐦💦
Nov 10, 2023